Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Charging at windmills
To Dream The Impossible Dream
To Fight The Unbeatable Foe
To Bear With Unbearable Sorrow
To Run Where the Brave Dare Not Go
To Right the unrightable Wrong
To Love pure and chaste from Afar
To Try when your arms are too heavy
To Reach the unreachable star
This is my quest to follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
These lines are from a classic Broadway play called the MAN OF LA MANCHA - an adaptation of Don Quixote. Seem a little over the top, but isn't this what we have seen completed yesterday too - A LITTLE OVER OUR TOPS!
Haven't we just completed a-little-crazy-thing-to-do yesterday ??
Like the crazy old knight from Cervantes novel, we have just gone through something, maybe, illogically big and, maybe, un-doable for us. Or was it?
Like that knight who charged at the windmills, we can now step back and marvel at our little crazy deed!!!!
See the group of Don Quixotes' in the front of their castle?
The ones in blue coats of armour?
I for one will always treasure this photo and maybe show it to my children's children as I brag about MY Times and MY Friends and what WE Did and how WE Did it !!
Sounds corny, but true !!
Now, to get some great Party / Fellowship / Picnics / Movies and generally have FUN photos to go with this one as I prepare my PITARA for the future!!
Tr. Tarun Bansal,
Chairman, JPRT 171
Posted by
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171
6:00 PM
Another Dream Fulfilled
The elation to see a dream become reality is indescribable. And for another dream to come true… You just cannot imagine the bliss. Overwhelming! That’s the experience the tablers of Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171 had on Sunday, 21st October 2007. Yes, we are talking about the inauguration of the second school by JPRT 171. JPRT has built a completely new, eight classroom, wing at the Government Upper Primary School, Parshuramdwara, Opposite Jal Mahal, Jaipur. This was the second dream come true for us after our first school in Sunaron Ki Dhani, Khejroli, Near Chomu.
This magnificent structure, raised almost 4 ft from the ground, incorporating eight 21ft x 15 ft classrooms, is spread over the ground and first floor. With a wide open gallery, 63 ft x 12 ft, running in between, it has a separate principals room and store room. More importantly, given the strength of the school of almost 900 students, the school is scalable to 18 class rooms within a short notice. When we started the project the strength at the school was about 400 students, and as the word spread of this new building, the admissions jumped to around 900 students as of now. The structure has been given enough strength to hold classrooms over three floors.
This school project has been built as a showcase pilot project under an MOU with the Government of Rajasthan; whereby the Government provides land and partial funding, under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and the rest of the funding is arranged by Round Table members. The objective of the MOU is an attempt to make schools which are comparable to any good private school; in terms of quality of construction, design and facilities provided. Round Table will be making more such schools under this public-private partnership. One such other school has already been inaugurated at Bindayaka in August by Jaipur Heritage RT 185, a table extended by JPRT 171.
The total cost for the new school wing at Parshuramdwara is Rs 28 lacs, out of which Rs 11 lac have been contributed by the Government of Rajasthan, under the SSA/DPEP scheme, and the rest has been collected by JPRT members. The project has been completed in just 6 months; starting from 22nd April 2007, when the Bhoomi Poojan was done, to 21st October, 2007, when the school was handed over to the school authorities.
The inauguration function of the new school building was held on Sunday, 21st October, 2007 at 11:00 am. We had the tablers of JPRT along with their families as well as tablers from JHRT, JJRT and BURT. The chief guest for the function was Tr. Ravi Baid, Chairman Area V and the Guest of Honour was Ms. Bibi Russell, UNESCO Artist for Peace and the Face of Bangladeshi Fashion. We also had Mr. Beniwal, Officer on Special Duty, Mr. R. N. Sharma from DPEP, Mr. Manoj Mathur, AEN and Ms. Sumitra Sharma, MLA at the dais. The school organised 3 cultural performances presented by the students of the school. Tr. Ravi Baid unveiled the plaque while Mr. Beniwal cut the red tape. Ms. Bibi Russell, the officers from DPEP and MLA Ms. Sumitra Sharma were very impressed with the quality of the school building. After the ribbon cutting, snacks were distributed to all present and gift packs with crayons,etc. were distributed to all the children, donated by Mr. Sandeep Yadav.
All tablers of JPRT stood as one for this project, and each one of us has contributed towards the fulfillment of this dream. We know we will start dreaming again of new heights to achieve and new places to go. And we also know we shall be able to fulfil those dreams too, with the support of everyone who has supported us thus far and other friends we will make.
Tr. Vinamra Daga
Projects Convener, JPRT 171
Posted by
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171
12:30 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Happy 5th Birthday JPRT!!!

As the work on our 2nd school project draws to a close I would like to thank the tabling fraternity for its support and encouragement all through the five years of our tabling experience.
15 young men, with NO idea about this wonderful movement came together and a table was born in Rajasthan. Very well helped and motivated by Delhi Tables, particularly our parent tables DSRT 32 and DMRT 149, JPRT 171 started enjoying this movement and each other's friendship.
Standing at the juncture of our 5th birthday and the completion of our biggest project till date, I take this opportunity to thank this wonderful movement and all the wonderful tablers from area 5 that have helped make tabling an essential and enjoyable part of our lives.
Tr. Tarun Bansal,
Chairman, JPRT 171
IPC, National Committee member and AST - Area V, Tr. Lalit Ahuja hosted a grand 5th Birthday Party of JPRT-171 with all tablers from Jaipur, Bhilwara and Delhi (and elsewhere) invited.
Once again - Three Cheers for JPRT
Hip Hip Hooorrayhhh
Hip Hip Hooorrayhhh
Hip Hip Hooorrayhhh
Posted by
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171
12:00 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Press Release for 21 Oct 2007
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171 is a group of 16 young men, part of an international organisation called Round Table.
Round Table India is building primary schools benefiting ONE MILLION CHILDREN, under its long term project - Freedom through Education.
Under this project Round Table India has already built more than 1000 classrooms impacting 650,000 children in less than 5 years! A few salient features of Freedom through Education project are as follows:
- More than 1000 schools already constructed.
- Over 6,50,000 children already benefited.
- Rs. 75 Crores plus invested to achieve the same.
- Gujarat Earthquake Relief Fund - In collaboration with Wipro, RTI rebuilt 14 schools in the quake-affected zones.
- Orissa Cyclone Relief Fund - RTI collaborated with its partner tables within India and Netherlands to reconstruct over 10 schools in the cyclone-hit areas of Orissa.
- Janmabhoomi Project - RTI with the government of Andhra Pradesh have built more than 50 schools across the state.
- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - RTI and the Government of Tamil Nadu implemented projects for over Rs 250 million.
- Operation Pathashala - Government of Karnataka partnered with RTI for the construction of classrooms in the state
In Rajasthan, the tabling movement is new, but is already making its presence felt in the scene of education with four tables and three schools already being built.
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table, the oldest table in Rajasthan has already built one primary school at Sunaron Ki Dhani, Khejroli, near Chomu, and supports another school at Bindayaka.
Continuing with the good work, Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table, has built an 8 classroom wing at Government Upper Primary School, Parshuramdwara, Near Jalmahal, Amer Road, Jaipur.
Nearly 900 children are currently studying in 4 classrooms in an old building, which is in dire need of repairs. JPRT has built a completely new wing that, at present, has 8 classrooms and can go up to 18 classes in the future. Besides this, JPRT has also repaired and refurbished the existing building to make it a more cheerful place that schoolchildren can look forward to come to everyday.
The total cost for the new school wing is Rs 28 lacs out of which Rs 11 lacs has been given by the Government of Rajasthan under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan scheme and the rest has been given by JPRT.
The project has been completed in just 6 months, starting from April when the Bhoomi Poojan was done, to October 21, 2007 when the school is being handed over.
The project has been built as a showcase pilot project under an MOU with the Govt. of Rajasthan whereby the Government provides land and partial funding (under SSA) and the rest of the funding is arranged by Round Table members, in an attempt to make a school which is comparable to a good private school in quality of construction, design and facilities provided.
Round Table will be making more such schools in this public-private partnership. It is also committed to support these schools in the long run towards their other infrastructural needs.
Posted by
Our Mission
7:00 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
3 Days And Counting...
Four of us went to the school project site for a final check before the inauguration. As you can see, the paint work is in progress, the premises in school is being leveled and the clean and finished building will look... wonderful... It finally sunk in - the work we had done and of which we should be justifiably proud of! The invites have gone and the inauguration date is fixed.
BIBI Russell has graciously agreed to be the Guest of Honour at the school inauguration. Tr. Manish and his wife met Bibi on 15th for dinner and she confirmed to be the guest of Honour. These days, Bibi Russell, the face of Bangladeshi fashion and an UNESCO Artist for Peace, is in Rajasthan busy preparing for a very special fashion show - 'Fashion for Development', to be held at the UN headquarters in New York, USA.
"Rajasthan is a dream place for any creative person, with its vivid colors, beautiful architecture and music," says Russell, who has joined hands with the state government of Rajasthan to promote 'Fashion for Development'. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of handlooms and khadi of Rajasthan and bring them back into the limelight. In the process, the weavers are assured of much-needed socio-economic development and a sustainable income. more...
Tr. Alok and Chairman Tr. Tarun have been regularly flooding tabler's mailboxes with innovative invites for the inauguration. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for the inauguration.
Posted by
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171
2:51 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
We're almost there!!!
See what tabling can do for a community...
See what a group of 16 young men can achieve in 6 months...
Be a part of the celebrations as our hopes take concrete shape...
Be part of these children's joy...
Witness the dreams and hopes of these young Indians find a better ground to grow on...
COME on the 21st of October and be a part of JPRT 171's pride and witness the inauguration of the new wing of the Parshuramdwara Upper Primary School at Jaipur.
Posted by
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171
1:31 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Update @ Parshuramdwara School 20 Sep 07
- The Ground Floor is in its finishing touches, 1 classroom has got 1 blackboard ready, but the flooring will still take about a week to be finished.
- The Firts Floor still has about 2 weeks of work due.
- The electrical wiring is yet to be put in.
- On suggestion of the school headmaster, the contractor has put steel sheets instead of glass in the windows. outside is a steel-Jaali and inside is now steel sheets.
- We will be able to start whitewash by 1 week of Oct, once the flooring is complete.
We are on track for the inauguration of the school on our 5th birthday ie., by 20th October.
Tr. Manish Kasliwal,
JPRT Ka Munshi
Posted by
Jaipur Pinkcity Round Table 171
1:27 PM
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