RTI Week Activities
On 12th November 2007 a Quiz Competition was organized at the Government Upper Primary School, Siwar, which is also the first school aided by JPRT. The quiz competition was held for Classes 5th, 6th, 7th and . The results of the competition are indeed very encouraging - quite a few students scored hundred percent in it!! Chairman Tr. Tarun Bansal was present for organising the activities. A set of books was given as awards to the children who got the highest marks in the competition.
14th: Dental & Eye CampA Dental & Eye Camp was organized at the Government Upper Primary School, Siwar, which is also the first school aided by JPRT; during the RTI Week on the 15th of November. Tr. Saurabh Jhunjhunwala was the key man in organising this camp for the children. 135 students were examined by a team of doctors during the camp. 7 students were diagnosed with minor eye problems and the necessary medicines were given to them. Tr. Saurabh Jhunjhunwala also distributed a combo pack of toothpaste and toothbrush to all the students. Four women from village also came and requested to have their eyes checked. On examining their eyes, 2 of them were diagnosed with Cataract and since they needed immediate operation, Tr. Saurabh immediately organized for their operations at the clinic and generously sponsored the operations from his side. Tr. Shishir and Tr. Ravi were also present at the camp. The response from the school authorities was very enthusiatic and they reattriated their support for any work thet JPRT wanted to do in the school.