Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why build schools...?

Why do we build schools...
Sitting right in front of these kids on the Republic Day - 26th of January - at our Parshuramdwara School.
In spite of all the dull lectures, filmy perfomances and extreme cold, the enthusiasm of these young children as they shouted
'Jai Hind' had to be seen and heard, to be believed....
"Somewhere, Somehow we must be doing Something Right..."
What do these children have, to be so proud of our nation?
They come from poor families, have to struggle for every necessity, study in a school which cannot even give them a proper durry to sit on!
I could see some of them shivering without proper warm clothing.
The reason I think is hope - The hope in these young eyes has not yet died down. They still hope for a better future.
Another reason is faith - They believe that the school they come to will give them skills to face the future.
They believe that their nation is one to be proud of.
And this is the reason we build Schools. So that the hope remains alive.
So that the faith is not shaken.
Be proud to belong to a group which, even if in its own small way,
lets a few more dreams to live on.
Jai Hind! Jai Bharat ! Jai Roundtable...!!
Mera Bharat Mahaan...

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