Proud to be a Tabler
A 1 year old boy living in Jaipur had a hole in his heart.
His father took him to be operated at Fortis Hospital in Delhi, where he underwent a major operation.
10 units of blood were required, 7 the father could arrange and he wanted three more units.
In a strange town, and at his wits end, he called up his friends in Jaipur for help. One of his friends suggested that he talk to this strange group of guys called tablers.
He gave a call to a tabler at 11 AM.
By 11:30 AM One tabler had confirmed he is going to the hospital to donate blood – Anjum drove from Meerut sooner than he would have so that he could join in.
By 11:30 AM a mail had gone all over the area5aex and chairmen were calling up Sanjay and Anjum to get the status.
Sanjay and Anjum also kept in regular touch with all chairmen, all this when this request came TOTALLY UNEXPECTED and out of the blue and in working hours.
By 12 Noon, Operation Jeevan, run By Tr. Ajay Kr Jalan FROM CHENNAI had forwarded a list of willing donors IN DELHI, IN THE PART OF DELHI THAT THE HOSPITAL IS IN, with their current health status and mobile numbers.
By 1 PM, two tablers were in the hospital to give blood
By 5 PM the operation was over, successfully, and the boy is expected to recover soon. I pray to GOD that he gets well soon.
I do not need to say or write anything EXCEPT
At The drop of a hat we can organize resources and without any ulterior motive. We can do whatever we want to, to help someone. We have every reason to be very very proud of who and what we are.
Tr Tarun Bansal
For.JPRT 171
A proud Tabler
His father took him to be operated at Fortis Hospital in Delhi, where he underwent a major operation.
10 units of blood were required, 7 the father could arrange and he wanted three more units.
In a strange town, and at his wits end, he called up his friends in Jaipur for help. One of his friends suggested that he talk to this strange group of guys called tablers.
He gave a call to a tabler at 11 AM.
By 11:30 AM One tabler had confirmed he is going to the hospital to donate blood – Anjum drove from Meerut sooner than he would have so that he could join in.
By 11:30 AM a mail had gone all over the area5aex and chairmen were calling up Sanjay and Anjum to get the status.
Sanjay and Anjum also kept in regular touch with all chairmen, all this when this request came TOTALLY UNEXPECTED and out of the blue and in working hours.
By 12 Noon, Operation Jeevan, run By Tr. Ajay Kr Jalan FROM CHENNAI had forwarded a list of willing donors IN DELHI, IN THE PART OF DELHI THAT THE HOSPITAL IS IN, with their current health status and mobile numbers.
By 1 PM, two tablers were in the hospital to give blood
By 5 PM the operation was over, successfully, and the boy is expected to recover soon. I pray to GOD that he gets well soon.
I do not need to say or write anything EXCEPT
At The drop of a hat we can organize resources and without any ulterior motive. We can do whatever we want to, to help someone. We have every reason to be very very proud of who and what we are.
Tr Tarun Bansal
For.JPRT 171
A proud Tabler